Boy's Bulletin
Volume 3, Number 6, May 6th, 2002
"All things are ready, if our minds be so." Shakespeare
Meetings: Insect Study and Patrol Cookout
On April 30, the program was Insect Study with Mr. Winkler. He handed
out bundles with the requirements for the merit badge, information about
insects, and a couple 'games' (a word search, scrambled words, a
'crossword' puzzle, etc.). He talked about insects, describing wing
structure and characterization, and he showed us some insect collections
that were lying about his house.
On May 6th, we had our patrol cookoff. Scouts were supposed to arrive
early to start fires, but hardly anyone did. Nevertheless, we cooked
our food, and turned it in to be judged. The Lost 'won', but when we
were asked to do our skits, the Timberwolves were the only ones with
a skit. Therefore, the Timberwolves also 'won'.
Future Events
- Everyone will put on deoderant before coming to the meeting (one can always hope!)
- Skillbuilder camping trip, in a couple weekends. Current proposal is to build
both a 'monkey bridge' and the ever-popular ranger ride.