Boy Scout Bulletin
Vol. 1, No. 2, October 18, 2001
Meeting: Fire Starters
After an opening by the Lost patrol, Philippe Pradel began his program on
fire starters with a question, "Why do we use fire starters?"
The answer was, "To start fires more easily under adverse
conditions, or when a fire is needed in a hurry". He spoke about a
couple of fire starters, gave some tricks to start fires more easily, and
turned the floor over to Mr. Scheirer, who showed us his fire starters.
He reminded us of the value of dry matches, and talked about the
'possibles bag', which holds things that you always need to take
with you on camping trips, such as matches, waterproof fire starters,
more matches, a cigarette lighter, a water-tight metal tin of matches, a
triangle bandage, and duct tape ("camper's best friend"). The
game was the one with the blindfolds and the prisoners, which didn't turn
out too well. Mr. Scheirer closed the meeting with an Eisenhower quote:
"Plans are nothing, Planning is everything".
- Next meeting, on October 22nd, is model rocketry, with Alex Kovacic
and Peter Morris.
The meeting after, on October 29th, is Hunting, with Charlie Anderson.
- The upcoming campout is on November 17-18, a backpacking trip. The
location is not yet determined; any suggestions and questions would be
- There is no Troop Committee meeting scheduled before October 30th,
apparently, when it will be at Mr. Cleland's residence.
- Name the bulletin! A title is needed, so the Scribe is proposing a
title contest. The winner is named in the bulletin, and the title is
then used for later editions. Please email entries to