Boy's Bulletin

Volume 3, Number 2 (?), February 4th, 2002
"All things are ready, if our minds be so. " Shakespeare Title courtesy of John Lukacs

Meeting: Banquet Court of Honor

The potluck dinner began at 6:30. There were many fine dishes set out, some of which (esp. the fried chicken) did not last long enough to let the Scouts (who came last) get any. However, there was plenty of food for all, and there were brownies, cookies, and special cakes (cut after the Court of Honor was closed) to be had by way of dessert.

There was a few merit badges, and several rank advancements, handed out during the Court of Honor, and some leadership changes. Mr. Scheirer stepped down from Scoutmaster, and gave the reins over to our new Scoutmaster, Mr. Scrivens. He also handed over the Scoutmaster stave, to which he had added two knots. We began the pizza sales today, and were informed that the former champion of pizza sales, Brian Winkler, wouldn't be selling this year, and so we all will have a chance at the title.


"Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it." - Katherine Whitehorn